Food for Thought

By September 13, 2010 Newsletter

By: Neil Garber

When memories are all we have, what will we remember?  What will we treasure when life’s race is run?  Time can’t be borrowed and it can’t be loaned. Once time is spent, it’s forever gone.  So quickly, time keeps slipping through our hands.  But, our time is bought and our time is sold, for fleeting silver and for worthless gold.  It’s worth so much more when we give it to each other.

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The summer vacation is over and now it’s time to go back to school!  It won’t be long until Christmas decorations fill the store aisles.    It sometimes seems like we’re living on a treadmill, wishing our time away and living from one holiday to the next; but no sooner does it arrive than it’s gone again and we are once again caught in that same time warp we talked about in the last article; looking back at a fleeting memory and looking forward to our next respite from the “reality” of life.
God has given us “time” as a measuring rod in our lives to put our activities into perspective with eternity.  In the 3rd chapter of Ecclesiastes, Solomon writes that our use of the time we’re given has a purpose in God’s eternal plan for us and we are to enjoy our work as well as the fruit of our labor.
Time, just like our material blessings and our health, is a gift from God and as such it should be used for His glory.  The same principles of stewardship apply to “time” as those that apply to our money and possessions, but it seems that time is much easier to waste than money.  It quickly comes and goes without our noticing until it is already “spent”, and then it is too late.  When we look back over the 70-80 years, more or less, we’ve been allotted what will we see?

Jesus lived on this earth only about half of the average lifespan and He only served three years in “active” ministry, but His life has had more impact on mankind than any other person who has ever lived.  Looking at His life can give us a clearer picture of how God wants us to “number our days” and “redeem the time”.

 He spent His precious time with people like Zacchaeus and the Samatitan woman at the well, but He also spent quality time with those He was training to carry on the ministry.  The Holy Spirit caused the Gospel writers to recall not only His amazing miracles, but also their most intimate conversations and personal interactions.  He was the Master Teacher, and yet he never assigned “busy work” or graded one paper.  As we strive to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves, we need to keep the example of Jesus’ life clearly in view.

Marty Sweat

Author Marty Sweat

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